
Saturday, February 20, 2010

501 Must Read Books

For quite some time now, my husband and I have had these two books on our bookshelves-- 501 Must-Read Books and 501 Must-See Movies. From time to time (or once every 6 months, when I get the inclination to dust), we take them down, flip through, and compare notes about who has seen/read what. These are hardly definitive lists, but we enjoy looking through the books and it usually sparks a lively conversation. Several nights ago we were doing just that, and I once again came to the realization that there are some really great books I just haven't read yet. Now, as a full-time working mother of a two-year old, I could blame this on being busy. But let's face it, I have managed to re-read the entire Confessions of a Shopaholic series TWICE in under a year. Apparently, it's not that I'm not making time to read; I'm just not making time to go to the library, the bookstore, or pay a late-night visit to Amazon. So, with no time frame (because I can only imagine how long it will take me to read 501 books), I plan on reading all 501 books in 501 Must-Read Books. Care to watch the insanity ensue?