
Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Scarlet Letter- I SWEAR...the dog did eat my homework.

I'm only kidding, it is not the dogs' fault that I have not written in so long.  (Although I do like to blame most of the household problems on the dogs).  And I really did finish reading The Scarlet Letter ages ago.  It's just that, in true Busy Bibliophile style, I just haven't made the time to sit down and write about it.  This is a long-standing problem with me.  As a kid, I always loved to participate in our town's summer reading program.  Every summer I would sign up and be SO excited to start reading.  As a matter of fact, most summers I actually won those reading programs.  But here's the thing, I won them based on the number of books I would read in May...and maybe part of June.  Part of the program was not only reading the books, but writing a little summary of them to turn in as proof you'd read them.  I generally tired of this quickly, because the writing slowed down my reading.  Usually I picked reading another book to writing about the one I had just read.  So you can see that not much has changed with me since childhood.

Right now is garden time as well.  I have a 25 by 32ish plot at my mother's house.  Our agreement is I plant it and buy most of the seeds and plants.  She helps every now and then (watering mostly) and gets to share in the harvest.  It's a pretty good arrangement, since I live in a rental with a rather shady backyard.  This means that if the weather's nice and I'm not working, I am at my mother's house playing in the dirt.  So far I've planted lettuce, spinach, potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, beets, bunching onions, and strawberries.  Onion sets, tomatoes, green beans, lima beans, sweet corn, and pumpkins are still to come.  Last year was our first year growing pumpkins, and we got a 70 lb. pumpkin!  I know my husband is itching to top that.  So between my naturally tendency to try and skip the writing to get to the reading and a rather sizeable garden, you might be able to understand how I've put off writing a blog entry for so long.  And if you don't believe chihuahua ate my blog entry.